Leave your legacy in Boilermaker Square
Commemorate your Boilermaker experience with a personalized brick in the walkway of Boilermaker Square at Butler Park.
About Boilermaker Square at Butler Park
Located across from the F.X. Matt Brewery and the Saranac Post Race Party, you can find a miniature replica of the “Best 15K in the USA”, constructed with inscribed brick pavers. Also included are 21 Utica landmarks located along the race course.
Be a Permanent Part of the Boilermaker
Join the Boilermaker Family by placing your personalized brick alongside the thousand-plus supporters who have become an everlasting piece of Boilermaker history.
Your Commemorative Brick
Become a permanent part of Boilermaker Square. For just $30, you can have a personalized brick as a lasting token of your support. Bricks can be personalized with standard graphics OR your brick can be customized with special graphics at no additional cost. View available special graphics and select yours today.
Who Should Buy a Brick?
Anyone who wants to remember a runner, volunteer, spectator, loved one, or special occasion.
How to Purchase
You can visit our online store to purchase a brick. After your purchase, please download the appropriate form below and fill out the top and middle portions (skip the payment information section). Email your completed form and any questions to bricks@boilermaker.com.
Choose Your Brick Location
You may select your location for your brick in one of the 12 available landmarks located along the race course. Click here to download the Landmark Map. List your location choice on the Brick Order Form.
Brick Installation Ceremony
If you would like to install your own brick; please indicate Yes or No on the Brick Order Form. The ceremony is held on a week night in June, a few weeks before the Boilermaker.
Other Purchase Options
If you would prefer to pay by check, please complete the fillable PDF including payment (check, payable to Boilermaker Road Race), and mail to:
Boilermaker Road Race – Bricks
PO Box 512
Utica NY, 13503
For questions or more information please call (315) 731-3706 or email bricks@boilermaker.com. Bricks purchased by April 15th are installed prior to the race in July.

Boilermaker Road Race
PO Box 512, Utica, NY 13503
Website designed by McGrogan Design